Tonic Celebrates at Hoxton Hall

group of event speakers on stage
Tonic Celebrates at Hoxton Hall with Natasha Bucknor, Karena Johnson and Sam Jones, November 2018

Tonic Celebrates

November 2018


Natasha Bucknor, Executive Director, Talawa Theatre
Karena Johnson, Artistic Director, Hoxton Hall
Sam Jones, casting director

The sixth Tonic Celebrates took place in East London, on the stage at the beautiful Hoxton Hall. Our guests discussed their trajectories, what they had learned over the years, and provided insights into the lesser known aspects of their jobs.

Before the event Natasha Bucknor from Talawa sat down with Tonic’s Director Lucy Kerbel to chat about the day-to-day life of an Executive Director.
Watch the video

Tonic – For greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts