
Tonic Connects 2018

November 2018
Hosted by Kiln Theatre

In the months running up to this event, conversations about workplace bullying and harassment in our industry had risen to the surface. As part of challenging such behaviours, how can we help others to be resilient and how can we foster resilience in ourselves? At the event we shared practical examples of best practice, coaching tips, and heard from women who had experienced challenging situations and who discussed the practical actions they and their colleagues took to get them through it.

Over the course of the morning, industry experts Gina Abolins, Ayesha Caseley-Hayford, and Rachel Bagshaw joined us for a panel discussion followed by a Q&A segment with the audience. This was followed by breakout session whereby our guests were invited to continue discussing the interesting connections and ideas sparked in a specially curated themed-table discussion.

“This event has allowed me to be a part of growing conversations I otherwise wouldn’t have access to. Increasing access is key.”

Event attendee

“Brilliant, so helpful to be able to put our own practice in the context of others.”

Event attendee

“Really stimulating and well organised. Thank you!”

Event attendee

Tonic – For greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts