Women in the Arts

Women remain underrepresented in many areas of the arts and especially at senior levels. In this session we examine why inequalities persist within arts organisations and the negative impact this has, not just on the careers of individual women, but on the success of the entire sector. We’ll then turn to what any arts organisation can do to accelerate change, providing a range of practical and creative solutions.

Available as

  • Online training
  • OR
  • In-person training


  • 2 x 90-min sessions online
  • OR
  • 1 x 3.5 hour session in-person


  • Maximum 20 participants
  • Ability to tailor for you

Want to learn more? Read on for detailed information about the course. Contact our team on info@tonictheatre.co.uk or make an enquiry for further information and bookings.

Why train with Tonic? We are a leading EDI training provider, offering courses designed specifically for the arts and creative environments. But crucially, each time you book a course with Tonic you also help support our work driving change across the industry. Win, win.

“Thought provoking and genuine. Didn’t give in to the temptation to tick boxes or be idealistic.”


About the Course

This session is for any arts organisation that wants to review the nature of support and understanding it has in place for the women who work, volunteer and participate within its workforce and creative programme. Providing a structured space for a constructive dialogue around sexism, misogyny and how these can play out in the arts, the session demonstrates the importance of ensuring equality is in place for women (and, especially, marginalised women) as a fundamental part of any work designed to increase diversity.

We’ll explore what is lost when the talent of women is not capitalised on and explore the ways in which inequities experienced by women in their wider lives can be compounded by working for arts organisations that are lacking in awareness and support mechanisms. We then go on to provide an array of practical recommendations that organisations can implement to ensure their practices and policies are equitable and foster the talent of all their teams, regardless of gender. 

workshop participants in a group discussion
Tonic Advance Network workshop led by Lucy Kerbel and Vicky Long at the Umbrella Rooms, London. Photo by Stephen Wright.

What we’ll cover

  • An overview of the current picture for women working in the arts
  • Key ways in which gender inequalities in broader society can play out within the arts
  • What this can mean for individual women’s careers and the sector more generally
  • Practical and attitudinal shifts that organisations can commit to in order to alleviate existing imbalances

You’ll come away with

  • A range of measures that can be put in place to better support equality for women within your organisation
  • A vocabulary for confidently discussing sexism, misogyny and connected topics
  • Greater awareness of the impact of structural and systemic inequalities on women
  • Appreciation of the range of challenges that some women may be facing and the support mechanisms you can offer to colleagues in response

Course details

  • Available both online OR in-person
  • Delivered as 2 x 90-minute sessions online, OR 1 x 3.5 hour session in-person
  • Maximum 20 participants

Keen to learn more? Make an enquiry or contact our team at info@tonictheatre.co.uk for further information.


In addition to our general Women in the Arts training, we also offer specialised sessions tailored to exploring the situation for women in certain parts of the arts workforce. Contact us for further information.


Yes, please email info@tonictheatre.co.uk to arrange a time to discuss your needs with a member of the team.

Yes, we would be happy to discuss bundling this course with others that we offer. We can also create bespoke sessions just for you. Find out more on our bespoke training page or email info@tonictheatre.co.uk to discuss what we can do for you.

We deliver our online training through live Zoom sessions. We provide links and look after all the technical set-up. You and your colleagues simply need to log on. If you have any access queries in relation to our online training, please contact info@tonictheatre.co.uk

Make an enquiry

All enquiries welcome! If you are interested in booking this course, or just need some more information, please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch. Or email us direct at info@tonictheatre.co.uk.

Tonic – For greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts