Participate Dance

A programme of training created specifically for students preparing for a career in dance.

Workshops created specifically for dance students

  • Helping students cultivate a safer and more inclusive training environment
  • Providing practical advice and tools to take away, and a supportive and structured space to work through difficult topics
  • For dance schools, colleges and conservatoires across the country

Photo: Justin Slee Photography

Training sessions

Participate Dance student session. Photo by Justin Slee

For Dance Students

Designed specifically for dance courses, these sessions make space for students to think beyond the technical skills of their craft and think more expansively about their career. Students will come away empowered with the awareness and confidence they need to navigate the industry as individuals, whilst also understanding how they can become a force for positive change in an inclusive, collaborative space.

“After the sessions, I feel I have gained the tools to navigate my way through difficult situations in the industry. Being able to communicate assertively and stand by my morals is absolutely necessary practice not just for work, but life.”

Third Year Student

“I think this was really useful for us all to take stock and look at the way we teach and how that can affect the students not only whilst in our lessons but also for the rest of their lives.”

Faculty Member

About Participate

Participate is Tonic’s programme of training and workshops created specifically for schools, colleges, conservatoires and universities in the performing arts. Designed to provide students with space in their busy timetables to reflect on their personal, professional and interpersonal development, as well as encouraging empathy and connection with their peers. All sessions are designed and delivered in a way that is tailor made for performing arts students; providing space and learning that is pragmatic, empowering, and optimistic. 

The programme for teaching and administrative staff creates space for reflection, as well as being future-focused, including the provision of a range of useful tools and framing of ideas and concepts which participants can integrate into their practice. 

Since 2018 Tonic have delivered Participate around the country. The popularity of the sessions has demonstrated the great need for them. Read more on Participate’s impact and reach.

Booking and further info

Get in touch or contact for further information or to discuss bringing Participate to your students and colleagues.

performers on stage during a theatre rehaersal

Tailored to your needs

Participate training sessions are bookable individually or as part of a longer-term package of support. Looking for something specific? Get in touch to discuss.

Make an enquiry

All enquiries welcome! If you are interested in booking Participate sessions, or just need some more information, please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch. Or email us direct at

Tonic – For greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts